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Creating Your Own Plan ‘A’

Updated: Nov 12, 2023

When the New Year comes around, most people tend to have a ‘plan in place’ or have signed a new gym membership however, by mid-Feb/March most people have already given up and dropped out.

Sound familiar?

Maintaining a health plan or membership can be tricky but it takes more than good intention and the New Year’s resolution.

First of all, the word ‘diet’ or ‘health plan’ can bring up thoughts of celery chewing or kale juice drinking but retaining a healthy diet is totally different.


I think the most common misconception and issue we have is the expectations and goals we set for ourselves. The expectations we set for ourselves is the foundation of the plan, if the goals are too big then we are setting ourselves up for failure.

If we have consistent goals with realistic expectations and achievable outcomes, the goals are much easier to reach. Obviously, motivation is a key element to achieving goals, but the most important concept of motivation is to think about what truly motivates us, whether it be friends, family, a weight loss goal or that ‘summer body’.

I believe when it comes to health and wellness, it is a lifestyle, not a program, or schedule…it’s for life.

Let Go Of The All Or Nothing Approach

All while saying this, and the ‘all or nothing’ approach or being impatient, can set us up to fail. Ridding ourselves of this mentality and implementing a healthier headspace is crucial as we need to understand there is no race, we are our own cheer squad and it is in fact a lifestyle.

It is better to focus on the bigger picture and our overall health rather than stress about every single meal. If you eat and drink more than anticipated, it is not the end of the world.

Rather than freak out, do this…enjoy the moment, leave guilt and stress at the door. Wake up the next day, and simply get back on track and continue with the health plan.

Taking small steps towards your health goal is empowering and being able to maintain a plan is so rewarding.

Make it Fun

One of the most common mix-ups about health plans, diet and exercise is not being able to have fun.

Do what makes you happy!

Play tennis, swim, surf or ride a horse, it doesn’t matter how you move, but rather that you DO move. As previously mentioned, we need motivation to keep going and indulging in fun sports is a great way to keep consistent and stay motivated.

Roddo’s Rules Top Tip

A great way to stick to a plan is to pre-pack foods at home to prevent that dire hunger for a ‘cheeky cheeseburger’ from McDonalds on the way home from work. A pre-packed bag of nut mix or a nice handful of cashews is the preferable option to satisfy your hunger until you get home.

In this episode of Roddo’s Rules I take a look at healthy snacks, check it out!

Pre-planning is all part of the bigger picture and can in turn change the way we eat and maintain this lifestyle. We need to stop thinking we have to cut out all unhealthy foods and instead start thinking about swapping and replacing to retain an enjoyable health plan. Enjoy yourself and have fun, don’t beat yourself up.

Wrapping Up

Life is all about fun and enjoying yourself, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a plan is all part of the end result. Rather than concerning ourselves with ticking boxes or following a tight regime, let’s look after our bodies and have fun at the same time.

Simultaneously, exercise and improving our nutrition will increase our chances of success in health and lifestyle. We know that breaking habits are hard but keeping consistent and finding out what works for us is all a part of the journey.

It means we have the energy to go and work on that bucket list!

See you out there,


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